The Value of Blogging

The Value of Blogging

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The Value of Blogging is an interesting image I found while browsing through Flickr.  It collates a range of viewpoints from notable people about what they find to be the “single greatest point of value” they have received from blogging.  By treating it like a random sample of opinions regarding the value of blogging, I have observed that the most common theme is self-management.  In fact, approximately half of the total people represented in the image mentioned points that relate to self-expression and self-improvement, including: “Creative Outlet”, “Mental Exercise”, “Makes Me Smarter”, “Expression”, “Knowledge”, “Learning” and “Inspiring Others”

On the other hand, the second most common theme is interactivity with people mentioning “Feedback”, “Exchange of Ideas”, “Connection”, “Sharing Insights”, “Contact and Communications” and “Variety of Viewpoints” as valuable things that blogging has given them.

This image seems to support the Pew Internet Survey.  The results of the Pew Internet Survey indicated to Flew that the “most important motives” for bloggers were “creative expression” and “documenting of personal views and experiences” (the most common theme represented in the image), as well as “keeping in touch with friends and family” (this fits into the category of interactivity or connection, which is the second most common theme representing in the image).


Flew, T. (2008) New Media: An Introduction.  Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

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